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C-TEC CFP702-4 Standard 2 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Panel

C-TEC CFP702-4 Standard 2 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Panel

Include batteries: No Battery
Sale price£84.72For 1
£101.66 Including VAT
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C-TEC CFP702-4 Standard 2 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Panel

LPCB certified to EN54-2/4, C-TEC's CFP 2 zone conventional fire alarm panel offers an array of user and installer-friendly features at a very competitive price. Supplied in an attractive flush or surface mountable plastic enclosure, it includes two detector zones, four conventional sounder circuits, class change and alert inputs, on-board fire and fault relays and combined keypad/keyswitch entry. 

A wide range of engineering functions are also provided including selectable zone delays, coincidence and non-latching zone facilities. Comprehensive test and fault finding facilities are also provided. Optional repeaters, relay expansion boards and EN54-13 system compliance devices are also available.


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