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C-TEC CFP704-4 Standard 4 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Panel

C-TEC CFP704-4 Standard 4 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Panel

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C-TEC CFP704-4 Standard 4 Zone Conventional Fire Alarm Panel

Product Description

LPCB certified to EN54-2/4, C-TEC's CFP 4 zone conventional fire alarm panel offers an array of user and installer-friendly features at a very competitive price. 

Supplied in an attractive flush or surface mountable plastic enclosure, it includes four detector zones, four conventional sounder circuits, class change and alert inputs, on-board fire and fault relays and combined keypad/keyswitch entry.

A wide range of engineering functions are also provided including selectable zone delays, coincidence and non-latching zone facilities. Comprehensive test and fault finding facilities are also provided.Optional repeaters, relay expansion boards and EN54-13 system compliance devices are also available.


Product Details

Approvals/certifications: Certified to EN54-2 & 4 by the LPCB.
Mains supply: 230V 50/60Hz.
Mains rated current: 350mA maximum.
Internal power supply: 19V-28.5V (27V nominal). Ripple 7V maximum (battery fault).
Total output current limited to: 1.5A @ 230Vac (ImaxA eq 146mA).
Quiescent current: 25mA (mains failed, internal sounder active, PSU & gen fault LED lit).
Max battery size and type: 2 x 12V 3.2Ah VRLA connected in series. Min. battery size 1.2Ah.
No. of detector zone circuits: 4 (Max. length per circuit is 500m).
Call point resistor value: 470 to 680Ω.
Max. devices per detector zone: 25 detectors (or 32 detectors/manual call points combined).
No. of conventional sounder circuits: 4 (Max. length per circuit is 500m).
EOL resistor value: 6800Ω 5% Tol. 0/25W (blue, grey, red, gold).
Alarm voltage: 27V max, 20V min (final battery voltage).
Max. sounder output current: 4 x 200mA (800mA total).
Auxiliary relays: Two: (1) Aux. Fire; (2) Fault. Volt free single pole changeover. Max. switch current 1A; Max. switch voltage 30Vdc.
Open collector outputs: Two: (1) Reset (Active during reset cycle); (2) Remote (Active during any unsilenced fire condition provided all relevant delays have expired). Max. sink current 30mA, Max. open circuit voltage 27Vdc).
Other outputs: 24V Aux. Power (Protected by a resettable fuse. 100mA min. hold current. Resets when fault removed).
Auxiliary inputs: Two: (1) ‘Class Change’ (constant sounders); (2) Alert (pulsed sounders). Connect to 0V to trigger, Max. input voltage 27V (non-latching).
Engineer (AL3) functions: Program coincidence (double knock); Invoke One Man Walk Test; Program delays; Set up zones for non-latching operation; Program sounders to resound (or not resound) when a new zone enters alarm; Enter fault diagnostic facilities.
Expansion connections: Yes – for optional network driver cards (one required per repeater system), relay output cards and EN54-13 sounder circuit interface boards.
Product dimensions (mm): 380 W x 235 H x D 96mm.
Construction & finish: Plastic lid and base; RAL7035 textured.
IP Rating: IP30.
Weight: 1.75kg (without batteries).
Operating conditions/temperature: -5ºC to +40ºC. Max relative humidity: 95%.




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